About Me

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Fresno, CA, United States
I'm an Artist I guess... But time and time again I have found myself finding and collecting bits and pieces of junk and things that one else wants. Things that just end up in my mailbox... So, I have decided to post it here, for no good reason at all. Now for some useless stuff and art, I guess.

The Old Stuff

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Sword of Shan Yu

So I made Shan Yu's sword form the Disney movie Mulan.

Why? I was bored what other reason do you need; no the real reason is I wanted to see where my wood working and prop making skills where.

It quite and amazing piece of work really or at lest that is what every one is telling me any how. Especially when you consider the fact that it is made form an old 2"x4", a dresser drow, the rim of a T-shirt, and some wood planks I found in the trash shoot.

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